Object Space 2

A clock on a shelf and a small amplifier on the shelf below it amplifying its tick.

A narrow plastered table with an electric light bulb at one end and a switch at the other. A long fluorescent pink wire trailed from the switch to the electric socket where a fluorescent pink sign said . . . to the power station.

A square table in the centre of the space with a piece of plaster covering the top. The piece of plaster had been painted, cracked and repaired many times. It had the appearance of a piece of old ceiling and was covered with a thin layer of dust. An electric lightbulb hung from an old fashioned cloth covered flex just above it, illuminating it. The bulb was suspended from a grey wooden bar attached to the side wall a little above head height.

A corner approximately nine inches in each dimension made of plastered chip-board resting on a table near the corner of the room.

A chair.

The following notes were presented in a small book on another shelf. Each of the separate sections below was on a different page.

The sound of a clock ticking in an empty room.

It doesn't matter what time it is, the objects don't care, but the clock is there, watching like an owl on the shelf.

electricity clean simplicity

The logic of the switch and the bulb is beautiful. Turn the switch and the light goes on. Turn it again and the light goes off. You are in control. The cable runs from the switch to the socket and there it is connected to the power station.


A corner

The corner

Any corner

An object

A place

All corners are the same size

THE table

(Acme Gallery London 1978)